PM Modi's public life can be divided into 3 parts, all 3 were challenging: Amit Shah

India / PM Modi's public life can be divided into 3 parts, all 3 were challenging: Amit Shah
India - PM Modi's public life can be divided into 3 parts, all 3 were challenging: Amit Shah
New Delhi: PM Narendra Modi has completed 20 years while ruling the Central and State Governments. Union Home Minister Amit Shah had a special interaction with Parliament TV on the occasion. In the interview, Amit Shah heaped praise on PM Modi.

The Union Home Minister said, "I have never met a listener like him. Whatever issue a meeting may be about, Modi ji speaks as little as required and listens to everyone patiently. He considers the value of the person’s opinion and then takes a decision.

So there’s no truth to the charges that he is dictatorial."

"There were three big stages of PM Modi's life, all three were challenging"

In an interview on the official channel, Amit Shah said, "Modi Ji's public life can be divided into three parts. First- as a General Secretary(Organization)after joining the BJP. Secondly- as the Chief Minister of Gujarat. Third- As Prime Minister in national politics. As the General Secretary(Organization)of Gujarat, he set an excellent example of how the credibility of one party can be built in the public mind. Within a year of becoming a Union Minister, the BJP began Gujarat Yatra. In 1990 we had a 50 percent stake in the government. In 1995, we had an absolute majority and from there till date, the BJP has not looked back."

Amit Shah further said, "After becoming the Chief Minister, Narendra Modi Ji understood the nuances in the administration with great patience, associated experts with the administration, and took the government's plans to the people.

His hard work, meticulous planning, a tenacity for implementation made the BJP stand out. The earthquake was once seen as a blot on the BJP. But, the development post the earthquake has been appreciated by the whole world. You may visit Bhuj and see the development yourself. On one hand, there is Latur after the earthquake, and on the other, there is Bhuj. The whole Bhuj was renovated, the growth rate increased by 37% after that."

He further said, "During Modiji's successful Chief Ministership, there was a ray of hope not only in Gujarat but across the country that there is no flaw in the Multiparty Democratic System. It can be successful, it can deliver and can go to the last person.

There are problems, there will be problems, there will be problems in the future also. But today, after Modi Ji has become the Prime Minister, the problems are addressed, addressed immediately, there is an attempt to find a solution and it is carried forward sensitively.


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