Akhilesh Yadav said that farmers have lost their lives, the farmers of the country are unhappy, the dreams of the youth are being broken, the youth do not have a job or employment, the youth is committing suicide by burning his degree. When there should have been maximum recruitment in UP, jobs were not found. Didn't get employment. The paper is leaking. This government works to benefit some people.What else did Rahul say in the India Add Nyay Yatra?Rahul Gandhi said, 'If you are poor then you will face injustice 24 hours a day in this country. The cause of hatred is injustice, so we have added the word justice to our journey.Targeting the government, Rahul Gandhi said that big industrialists are selling Chinese goods in India. China and its youth are benefiting from this, but the youth of India are not getting employment. That's why I want a time to come when the youth of India make goods in their country, which the people of China can use. Congress has also posted the video of this statement of Rahul Gandhi on social media handle X.'भारत जोड़ो न्याय यात्रा' में अखिलेश यादव जी का स्वागत है।
— Congress (@INCIndia) February 25, 2024
आज बहुत ख़ुशी का दिन है।
हम सब मिलकर देश के लोकतंत्र और संविधान को बचाने की लड़ाई लड़ रहे हैं।
: @priyankagandhi जी
📍 उत्तर प्रदेश pic.twitter.com/jOBLEojY7T
बड़े-बड़े उद्योगपति चीन का सामान हिंदुस्तान में बेच रहे हैं।
— Congress (@INCIndia) February 25, 2024
इससे चीन और उसके युवाओं का फायदा हो रहा है, लेकिन हिंदुस्तान के युवाओं को रोजगार नहीं मिल रहा।
इसलिए मैं चाहता हूं एक ऐसा समय आए, जब हिंदुस्तान के युवा अपने देश में सामान बनाएं, जिसे चीन के लोग इस्तेमाल करें।
:… pic.twitter.com/JFqJS9IT22