Relief news! Children will not be particularly affected by the third wave, AIIMS-WHO study revealed

COVID-19 Update / Relief news! Children will not be particularly affected by the third wave, AIIMS-WHO study revealed
COVID-19 Update - Relief news! Children will not be particularly affected by the third wave, AIIMS-WHO study revealed
New Delhi. The third wave of CoronaVirus will not be able to affect children. The information has been given by a study recently. In the study made from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and World Health Organization (WHO), children have got information about having high syrograpitivity. From the beginning of the second wave (Second Wave), knowledgeable Kovid was warning about the third wave of the epidemic. It was being said that the highest impact of the third wave can be on children.

According to the study, more sexual positivity has been found in children. Seo-positivity shows the ability to prepare natural immune response against the virus. Sample Size 10 thousand in five states was 10 thousand, which was approved by the AIII's Institutional Ethics Committee and other institutions. Out of 4 thousand 509 participants, 700 were less than 18 years and the age of 3 thousand 809 people was 18 years old.

The average age of participants announced for Delhi Urban, Delhi Rural, Bhubaneswar, Gorakhpur and Agartala site was 11,12,11,13 and 14 respectively. According to the reports, the data for this study was collected between 15 March 2021 to 10 June 2021. According to researchers, Elisa Kitts was used to detect serum antibodies against SARS-COV-2 in participants.

It has been reported in the study that in comparison to the adult population, there was more circular positivity. In such a situation, it is less likely that the third wave coming in the future will affect the children of two years or more in proportionly. Recent information was found that Novavax can soon start clinical trial on children.

Serum has expressed hope that in July, the trial of Kovovax may start. If this happens, then the fourth vaccine will be in the country to reach the clinical trial for children. The company is talking about launching Kovowax in India till September. In September last year, Novavack had announced the production agreement with serum.


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