MPBSE MP Board 12th Result 2021: Today the wait is over for lakhs of students who appeared for class 12th examination from MP Board. The board has released the results on the official website. This year 7 lakh 33 thousand students had registered in MP Board 12th. All the students have been passed by the board. MP Board has activated the link of 12th class result. Students will be able to check it on the official website,, and other result hosting websites.
The link of MP Board 12th Result 2021 has gone live soon after the declaration of the result. Candidates can check their result by visiting this link with the help of their roll number. To check the result on Aaj Tak, click on the direct link given here. The result will be in front of you.
MP Board 12th Result 2021: How to downloadStep 1: Go to the given link
Step 2: Now go to the MP Board 12th Result 2021 appearing on the screen.
Step 3: Enter your roll number and submit.
Step 4: The mark sheet will appear on the screen, download it.
The board had canceled the examinations this year in view of the threat of corona pandemic. The mark sheet of the students has been prepared on the basis of the marking formula prescribed by the board. The board has already released the 10th results and now the 12th results have been released. No merit list has been released with the result declaration and students who are not satisfied with their result can also apply to appear for the exam later.