Russia ukraine war first anniversary china made peace plan to stop

World / Russia ukraine war first anniversary china made peace plan to stop
World - Russia ukraine war first anniversary china made peace plan to stop
Russia Ukraine War first anniversary: The war between Russia and Ukraine has completed one year today. Ukraine suffered so much in this one year that according to a World Bank report, 50 lakh crores would be needed to rehabilitate Ukraine. No one knows when the war between Russia and Ukraine will stop. But in the meantime, a new roadmap seems to be forming to stop this war.

China will stop Russia Ukraine war!

Wang Yi, the most senior foreign affairs official of the Communist Party of China, has met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. This visit of Wang Yi is also considered important because it is being considered as China's peace plan between Russia and Ukraine war. In fact, in view of the tense atmosphere going on at the global level, Putin has said that cooperation between Russia and China at the international level is very important so that the situation in the world can be stabilized. China is the only country that has not yet condemned the Russia-Ukraine war. But now it is being said that Chinese President Xi Jinping may visit Moscow very soon.

China spoke of Russia's mind

Chinese leader Wang Yi had also said at the Munich Security Conference that territorial integrity should be respected. The question is whether the Chinese President wants to become a big player at the international level by bringing a peace proposal in the Ukraine war. In one year, both Ukraine and Russia have lost a lot. But in this war the picture is now slowly changing. People have started returning back to their homes. The people working there who left Ukraine and went to different countries because of the war. They are coming back to Ukraine and that too in the hope that the war will end soon.


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