Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan is very active on social media, she keeps sharing her old pictures on social media. Many times the news of her affair with Sushant Singh Rajput and Karthik Aryan has also come to the fore. In such a situation, now Sara has shared two such pictures that once created a sensation on social media. In these pictures, she is seen in the arms of a mystery boy.
Throwback picture created panicThese two pictures are seen in the same frame in the Instagram story of Sara Ali Khan. In the pictures, Sara Ali Khan is seen having fun on the beach with her best friend Jehan Handa. These pictures were previously shared by Jahan, which has been reposted by Sara.
Remembering the earlier phase of KovidWhere Bollywood celebrities are remembering old memories by sharing pictures from their earlier days of Kovid. And now, Sara took to the photo and video sharing platform to repost her best friend Jahaan Handa's Insta story. In the picture, we can see both of them hugging each other and posing on the beach.
seen in matching dressBoth can be seen in color coordinated outfits. While Jahan is in an orange colored shirt and striped pants, on the other hand Sara is wearing an orange colored hot dress. Along with the photo, Sara added two stickers that read: 'Take me back' and 'Love you!'
Will be seen in these filmsOn the work front, Sara will soon be seen in Aanand L Rai's directorial venture 'Atrangi Re' opposite Akshay Kumar and Dhanush. The film is scheduled to release on August 6, 2021. Apart from this, Sara has also been cast in 'The Immortal Ashwatthama', which also stars Vicky Kaushal opposite her.