Seema Haider did not sign any film, also made a big disclosure on pregnancy

Seema Haider News / Seema Haider did not sign any film, also made a big disclosure on pregnancy
Seema Haider News - Seema Haider did not sign any film, also made a big disclosure on pregnancy
Seema Haider News: Seema Haider, who came to India from Pakistan after playing PUBG, has given an opportunity to speculate about her pregnancy. He refused to make a direct comment on this subject in front of the media, but said that when it happens, everyone will come to know. Seema Haider said that this is her personal matter and there is no need to raise it in the media. Along with this, Seema Haider has also rejected the talk of making a film. Seema's lawyer AP Singh said that she has neither signed any film till now nor has any plans to do so in future.

Seema Haider is currently present with her husband Sachin Meena at their Greater Noida home. Her lawyer AP Singh had reached to meet Seema Haider on Sunday. During this, Seema Haider and Sachin Meena were seen hoisting the tricolor on their roof on Sunday itself. Waving the tricolor, Seema Haider tried to convey the message that she has adopted India and this is her own country. Seema Haider's lawyer AP Singh spoke to the media on the occasion.

While answering the questions of the media, Seema Haider said that there is no need to question the pregnancy. This is his personal matter. Everyone will know when he will have a child. During this, Seema's lawyer AP Singh told that Seema Haider has not signed any film till now, and there is no such plan in future. He told that filmmaker Amit Jani had met Seema Haider by taking his name. While he did not send Amit Jani here.

During this meeting, Amit Jani also fraudulently made a video of Seema Haider. Seema has no idea about that video either. He told that Seema had also told Amit Jani that he should not do any film. She has not come here from Pakistan to make a film. Said that Seema is happy with Sachin.

Advocate AP Singh also appealed for help for Seema Haider on this occasion. Giving information about Sachin's bank account, he asked the countrymen to cooperate. On this occasion, he told that many fake accounts have been created on social media in the name of Seema Haider. Different types of propaganda are also being done through these accounts. Whereas the reality is that Seema Haider does not have any Facebook or Twitter account. He has definitely made a youtube channel. He told that all the accounts which are currently appearing on social media are fake.


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