Solar eclipse on June 10, two eclipses will cause upheaval within 15 days?

Solar Eclipse 2021 / Solar eclipse on June 10, two eclipses will cause upheaval within 15 days?
Solar Eclipse 2021 - Solar eclipse on June 10, two eclipses will cause upheaval within 15 days?
This year is very important from the astronomical point of view because there are four eclipses taking place this year. This includes two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses. India is not related to these eclipses because none of these eclipses will be visible in India.

The first lunar eclipse of the year occurred on 26 May, which was not visible in most parts of India. Now the same is going to happen with the solar eclipse on June 10. Since this eclipse will not be visible in India, religious rules including Sutak will also not be applicable.

There will be no restriction on celebrating the other two festivals, Vat Savitri and Shani Jayanti, which fall on June 10, due to the absence of solar eclipse and not being considered as Sutak period. However, astrologers consider the occurrence of two eclipses within 15 days as a major factor in the natural upheaval.

In astrology, it is considered inauspicious to have two eclipses within 15 days. Because of this, natural disasters can increase. Apart from this, it also has its auspicious and inauspicious effects on the zodiac signs. The effect of this eclipse that takes place within 15 days can create a stir in the whole world.

Let us tell you that the solar eclipse on June 10 will start at 1:42 pm and will end at 6.41 pm. This eclipse will be visible mainly in North America, Europe and Asia and partially in northern Canada, Greenland and Russia.

The effect of this solar eclipse will be most visible in Taurus and Mrigashira constellation. This will be an annular solar eclipse. When the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth, but its shape is not visible enough to cover the Sun completely, then such a situation is called annular solar eclipse.

In an annular solar eclipse, the Sun appears as a bright ring on the outer edge of the Moon. At the same time, the second and last solar eclipse of 2021 will take place on December 4, which will be a total solar eclipse.

In a total solar eclipse, the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth and completely covers the Sun. Due to this the sunlight does not reach the earth. The second solar eclipse of the year will be visible only in Antarctica, South Africa, the southern part of the Atlantic, Australia and South America.