Solar storm can hit the Earth within 48 hours, if this happens...

Solar Storm / Solar storm can hit the Earth within 48 hours, if this happens...
Solar Storm - Solar storm can hit the Earth within 48 hours, if this happens...
Solar Storm: Between 4 and 5 August i.e. within the next 24 to 48 hours, a solar storm can hit our Earth. According to information, a geomagnetic storm of G-1 category (less powerful) may occur between August 4 and 5. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the US agency that monitors space weather, several CMEs may hit the Earth between August 4 and 5.

These were thrown towards the Earth after the explosion by an M-class solar flare. As the CME approaches, there are apprehensions that it could lead to an intense solar storm event. Can damage satellites, shortwave radio communications, and more. Let's know if these storms hit the earth then what would be the view.

How dangerous will this storm be?

According to a report, small G1 category geomagnetic storms are likely to occur on August 4-5, in which one or more weak CMEs are expected to hit the Earth's magnetic field. This storm is expected to be weak compared to some of the stronger solar storm events that have occurred in past months, but even smaller storms like these can cause serious damage.

What things can be interrupted?

Currently, there are about 9 active sunspot regions on the Earth-facing side of the Sun. This means that there is a high possibility that further solar flare eruptions could occur at any time. If these flares are large enough, they can release large amounts of plasma and solar material into space, which eventually form CMEs. It can disrupt wireless communications and GPS services, causing problems for airlines, navigators, ham radio controllers and drone operators.


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