SP leader did obscene dance with bar girls, then this happened

UP / SP leader did obscene dance with bar girls, then this happened
UP - SP leader did obscene dance with bar girls, then this happened
Gorakhpur: In Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, the leader of the Samajwadi Party, in violation of the Kovid-19 rules, performed a fiercely obscene dance (SP Leader Dance) with bar-balas. Whose video is becoming increasingly viral on social media. The SP leader repeatedly played the song 'Akhilesh ko Taj Dilayenge', which led to a fight.

The fight broke out after the SP leader climbed the stage

Let us inform that SP leader Shailendra Yadav had arrived with his supporters to attend a wedding ceremony. There the organizers had booked the orchestra. Bar-balas were also invited to dance. Meanwhile, the SP leaders climbed the stage to dance and when they were stopped from doing so, they started beating. His supporters also created a ruckus.

Case registered for violation of Covid rules

Gorakhpur SSP Dinesh Kumar said that a case has been registered against SP leader Shailendra Yadav, his supporters and those who organized the orchestra program for violating Kovid rules.

Significantly, the SP leader also raised slogans in support of Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav during the dance. After a while the villagers started opposing it, then a fight broke out. The supporters of Shailendra Singh manhandled the people of the village and started throwing chairs at the people, which created an atmosphere of panic there.


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