The minor who used to say grandfather did the rape, the elderly absconded

Rajasthan / The minor who used to say grandfather did the rape, the elderly absconded
Rajasthan - The minor who used to say grandfather did the rape, the elderly absconded
In this period the sensations are becoming zero and relationship telegram. A similar event that has been wired by Jodhpur from Jodhpur to Jodhpur. An elderly in Jodhpur is accused of raping a 14-year-old minor. Police have registered a case on the Tahrir of the victim and started looking for the accused. The victim has also been made.

According to information, the event is a village in Jodhpur of Jodhpur, a village. It is said that a 14-year-old teenager had a 68-year-old elderly who lived in the neighborhood. The teenager played with the grandchildren of the elderly. He often came to his house with the father of the victim. There is no mother of the victim, she lived alone at home.

According to the victim, his father performs a janitor. Day of the event went to his duty. The victim has alleged that the elderly came back and raped him in the house and raped him. The victim has alleged that the elderly threatened it after rape that if someone told him, then throat. After several days of this incident, the victim told her father to her father.

After this the case was registered against the accused. The police is looking for the accused elderly. He is told absconding. The police team is constantly raiding for the arrest of the accused.


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