The train was coming from the front, the person was taking out the scooter from the middle of the track and then...

Viral News / The train was coming from the front, the person was taking out the scooter from the middle of the track and then...
Viral News - The train was coming from the front, the person was taking out the scooter from the middle of the track and then...
A shocking video has surfaced from Jamnagar, Gujarat, which is becoming increasingly viral on social media. If a person's scooter gets stuck on the railway track and cannot get out, then the person's life comes to a standstill. In Jamnagar, the youth tries to cross the railway line with his scooter but suddenly the train comes from the front.

The young man tries to get the scooter out of the railway tracks but is unable to get it out.

Till the last moment, he tries to take out the sports scooter on his own life. When the last attempt to get the scooter out of the track also fails and the train is about to come very close to crush him in a few seconds, he leaves the scooter and jumps to the other side.

The train drags the scooter lying on the track with it for more than 100 meters. After that the train stops. When the video of this incident was uploaded on social media, it became very viral.


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