There is a rift in Google-Apple's relationship! 22 year old partnership may break

Apple–Google Partnership / There is a rift in Google-Apple's relationship! 22 year old partnership may break
Apple–Google Partnership - There is a rift in Google-Apple's relationship! 22 year old partnership may break
Apple–Google Partnership: The 22-year-old partnership between Apple and Google may now be in danger. Under this deal in 2002, Google paid Apple $24 billion every year, under which Google search was used by default in the iPhone. However, the recent US Department of Justice decision has challenged this deal, which may cause financial loss to Apple.

The US court has described this deal as eliminating competition and considered it a threat to innovation. If this partnership breaks, Apple's total earnings may fall by 6.3 percent, and its stock is expected to fall by up to 11 percent.

Google said in its clarification that this partnership was done based on user choice. However, if this deal ends, Apple may need to develop its own search engine, and focus on AI integration. This situation can benefit Microsoft, which can come into competition through its Bing search engine.

This is not the first time Google has faced allegations of monopoly and eliminating competition. The company has many platforms like Android operating system, Google search, and YouTube, which give it a huge advantage. Google has also been accused of changing policies for its own benefit.

In these circumstances, the end of the partnership between Apple and Google can bring significant changes not only for these companies but also for the technology industry. It remains to be seen whether Apple will be able to develop its own search engine or other companies will benefit in this competition.


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