A strange incident of theft has come to light in Rohtas district of Bihar. Thieves who came here posing as fake officers, made the iron bridge 60 feet long and weighing 500 tons disappear in three days. The funny thing is that the thieves got the bridge cut by the employees of the irrigation department and stole its iron by filling it in vehicles. This whole feat happened in broad daylight and no one even suspected.
This whole matter is of Amiyavar of Nasriganj police station area. Here an iron bridge was built on the Ara Canal canal around 1972. Thieves got this bridge cleverly cut in three days and then it became nine two eleven by filling its iron in trucks. Bulldozers, gas cutters were also used to cut this bridge.
Entire village and local employees got caughtThe thieves carried out this incident so cleverly that from the villagers to the local employees, they got caught. He reached the village as an officer of the Irrigation Department and started getting the bridge cut by following the departmental order. In this way the iron police, about 60 feet long and 12 feet high, was stolen. After the matter came to light, Junior Engineer Arshad Kaman Shamsi told that, a complaint has been lodged against the thieves with the police.
thieves put a lot of mindIt is said that even theft takes the mind. Thieves used it. Actually, the iron bridge had become dilapidated, so a concrete bridge was made parallel to it on behalf of the department. Since then, the villagers had applied for removal of the iron bridge after many years. The thieves took recourse to this application and took the villagers in the belief that, after their application, they had come to remove the bridge on departmental orders.