This Austrian Nobel laureate called PM Modi a spiritual personality, know what else he said

PM Modi Austria Visit / This Austrian Nobel laureate called PM Modi a spiritual personality, know what else he said
PM Modi Austria Visit - This Austrian Nobel laureate called PM Modi a spiritual personality, know what else he said
PM Modi Austria Visit: After Russia, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is now on a visit to Austria. Here PM Modi is participating in different programs. Meanwhile, Austrian physicist and Nobel Prize winner Anton Zeilinger met PM Modi. During the meeting with PM Modi, physicist Anton Zeilinger discussed many issues related to physics. After the meeting with PM Modi, Anton Zeilinger has praised him. What did Anton Zelinger say

After meeting PM Narendra Modi, Austrian physicist and Nobel laureate Anton Zelinger said, "It was a very pleasant discussion. We discussed spiritual things, we talked about the possibilities of quantum information, quantum technology and the basic fundamental ideas of quantum physics. I experienced him as a very spiritual person, and I think this is a trait that most of the world's leaders should have today... The point is that you support talented young people to follow their own ideas and really new ideas come from them. This is something that can happen in every country, especially in India..."

What did PM Modi say

PM Modi said that he had a wonderful meeting with Nobel laureate Anton Zelinger. His work in quantum mechanics is pathbreaking. His passion for knowledge and learning was clearly visible. I talked about India's efforts like the National Quantum Mission and how we are nurturing an ecosystem for technology and innovation. I was also happy to receive his book.

Know about Anton Zeilinger

Let us tell you that Anton Zeilinger was born on 20 May 1945 in Ried im Innkreis, Austria. Zeilinger is a professor of physics at the University of Vienna and a senior scientist at the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Most of his research is related to experiments with quantum entanglement. He is particularly known for his experimental and theoretical work, especially on entanglement, quantum teleportation, quantum communication and cryptography.

Also know

Anton Zeilinger received his doctorate from the University of Vienna in 1971. Before joining the University of Vienna in 1999, he was on the faculties of the Technical University of Vienna and the University of Innsbruck, where he served as chairman of the Physics Department. Zeilinger has worked at many places including MIT, the Technical University of Munich, Humboldt University Berlin, the University of Oxford and the Chair International at the College de France. Zeilinger has been President of the Austrian Physical Society.


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