This time there will be no winter session of Rajasthan Legislative Assembly

Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha / This time there will be no winter session of Rajasthan Legislative Assembly
Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha - This time there will be no winter session of Rajasthan Legislative Assembly
Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha: This time the winter session of the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly will not be held. Assembly Speaker Vasudev Devnani has announced that this session has been postponed by the state government due to the upcoming Rising Rajasthan Global Investment Summit.

Next session will be in January

The Speaker informed that the next session of the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly is likely to begin in the second or third week of January 2024. This session will be held in a new format and extended period. There is a plan to run it longer by giving breaks in between during the session, so that important legislative work can be completed.

Assembly will be paperless

Many initiatives are being taken towards modernizing the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly. The Speaker informed that the Assembly will be made paperless by the first week of January. Under this, iPad and laptop facility will be provided at the seat of each MLA. Although, initially there may be some problems due to technical changes, but 20 trained staff will be allowed to be present in the House for six months to assist the MLAs.

Glimpse of the Pink City in the House

The Vidhan Sabha Bhawan has also been painted pink keeping in mind the specialty of Jaipur, which is known as the Pink City. This change has been made to make the historical and cultural significance of the House more attractive.

Preparation for Global Investment Summit

The upcoming Rising Rajasthan Global Investment Summit of the Rajasthan government is considered to be an important step towards the economic development of the state and attracting global investment. Various countries and leading industrialists will participate in this event.


The postponement of the winter session of the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly reflects the importance of the investment summit in the priorities of the government. However, the next session to be held in January can prove to be a new beginning for the state legislature with new technology and better structural facilities.


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