Today the Modi Govt will be the target of the opposition, issues like NEET and ED action will be raised in the Parliament

Parliament Session / Today the Modi Govt will be the target of the opposition, issues like NEET and ED action will be raised in the Parliament
Parliament Session - Today the Modi Govt will be the target of the opposition, issues like NEET and ED action will be raised in the Parliament
Parliament Session: After the formation of the new government in the country, a special session of Parliament is being held from 24 June to 3 July. In the session, the newly elected MPs of the Lok Sabha were sworn in first. After this, President Draupadi Murmu addressed the joint session of Parliament. However, after this, there was a huge uproar from the opposition in both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha on the issue of NEET paper leak. It is believed that there may be a ruckus from the opposition on the issue of NEET and ED action even today.

Chirag surrounded the opposition

Union Minister Chirag Paswan has targeted the opposition on the issue of NEET. Chirag Paswan said that the NEET case is being investigated by the concerned agencies and the matter is also pending in the court. The government is talking to all stakeholders. The opposition is displaying wrong thinking. If it wants to raise issues related to the public, then it should allow the House to run in an appropriate manner and participate in debate and discussion.


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