Trouble in Syria, US did air strike, Israel is also running operation

Syria War News / Trouble in Syria, US did air strike, Israel is also running operation
Syria War News - Trouble in Syria, US did air strike, Israel is also running operation
Syria War News: The US has carried out massive airstrikes on Islamic State (ISIS) targets in Syria. US Air Force B-52 Stratofortress bombers, F-15E Strike Eagles, and A-10 Thunderbolt II fighter jets carried out dozens of attacks on ISIS leaders, fighters, and targets in central Syria.

A senior US Central Command (CENTCOM) official said that more than 75 targets of the terrorist group were targeted in these attacks. The US Defense Ministry clarified that these actions have been taken to keep the situation under control after the fall of the Assad government in Syria, so that terrorist forces like ISIS cannot take advantage of the unstable situation there.

Civilian casualties denied

According to the Pentagon, these attacks have been carried out with precision, and there are sufficient indications that no civilians were killed in them. The US Central Command official said, "This mission was carried out on the orders of the President. We targeted important ISIS leaders and fighters."

However, the US military is still assessing the damage caused by the attack and its impact.

Israel's Operation 'New East'

On the other hand, Israel is also carrying out large-scale military action in Syria. After the fall of the Assad government, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have deployed troops in the buffer zone, strengthening their position near the Golan Heights. The Israeli Air Force has recently attacked more than 100 targets in Syria.

Israeli officials said in a statement that they have temporarily occupied Syria's buffer zone and are destroying military bases there, which could pose a threat to Israel's security if they fall into the hands of terrorists.

Targeting ISIS: An effort for regional security

Both the US and Israel consider their action in Syria as an effort to ensure regional security. The US aims to stop the growing influence of ISIS, while Israel has intensified attacks on such targets in Syria that could pose a threat to its borders.


The US and Israeli attacks in Syria reflect a joint effort against growing terrorism and instability in the region. The actions of both countries have once again made it clear that they can go to any extent to protect their national and regional interests. However, it remains to be seen what the long-term impact of these attacks will be.


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