Two palestine officers killed in israel firing now war can resume

World / Two palestine officers killed in israel firing now war can resume
World - Two palestine officers killed in israel firing now war can resume
The ceasefire implemented after the war between Israel and Hamas in the past may be broken once again. Two Palestinian officers were reported killed in firing by Israeli security forces on Thursday. The Palestinian Health Ministry said that two of its security officers were killed by Israeli forces during Thursday morning clashes in the city of Jenin in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. was shot, causing his death. In online video, Palestinian officers are seen taking cover of the vehicle and shots are heard behind.

One of these officers is seen saying that they are firing with Israeli 'undercover' forces. The ministry said a third Palestinian was seriously injured in the shootout. There was no comment from the Israeli military at this time. A poster showing local media identified the two dead as members of the Palestinian Authority's military intelligence force. Israeli raids are common in autonomous West Bank areas administered by the Palestinian Authority. Often this is aimed at arresting wanted Palestinians. However, skirmishes with Palestinian forces are rare as such operations are considered coordinated between the two sides.

Significantly, in the last days, war broke out between Israel and the Palestinian organization Hamas. During this, about 200 Palestinians were killed in Israeli airstrikes. Apart from this, more than 10 people of Israel were also killed. Many countries, including America, appealed for peace. After this, a unilateral ceasefire was announced by Israel itself.


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