Unique wedding in Telangana, same groom married two brides in the mandap
Viral News / Unique wedding in Telangana, same groom married two brides in the mandap
Viral News - Unique wedding in Telangana, same groom married two brides in the mandap
Generally people do marriage with a bride but you must have heard less that the groom married two brides in the same pavilion. Yes, it has happened in Telangana where a man married two women and the elders also blessed everyone.This unique wedding happened in the 14th of this month in the village of Ghanpur village, which was the center of attraction. The person who married two young women is V Arjun.According to the information V. Arjun has fallen in love with two women at the same time, after which he decided to marry both. For this, both the girlfriend's girlfriend was ready.To see this unique marriage, the people of the whole village were gathered. After taking BEd's degree, Arjun, who prepares for V. Arjun competitive examinations, has fallen in love with two girls in the degree college and Surakha.He was dating both girls for the last four years. Everything was fine but Arjun was then surrounded by the difficulties when his family asked him to marry him.He did not want to leave any of his girlfriend, so he celebrated both girls for marriage. From this, Arjun's family members were initially unaware.After a lot of difficulty, both girls were ready to marry the same groom. Band Baja was married to the groom and bride's parrot village. Local people say that this is not an unusual case and such weddings are acceptable in the tribal community.