US may very well end up in a war with China says donald Trump

China-US / US may very well end up in a war with China says donald Trump
China-US - US may very well end up in a war with China says donald Trump
China-US | Former US President Donald Trump warned on Wednesday that the US could have a "war" with China. It has been said that this may be due to Biden's weak government. Trump said Beijing no longer respects Washington for having a "weak and corrupt" government in the US.

Trump's remarks come at a time when US and Chinese officials are about to meet in Switzerland amid the ongoing tension between the two countries. The former President of the United States has succeeded his successor, Joe. Attacking Biden, he said in a statement, "Because the election was rigged, and America now has a weak and corrupt leadership and we may face a war with China which no longer respects America."

It is worth noting that tensions have been going on between the two superpowers for the last several years over the first trade war and the dragon's depravity in the South China Sea. The corona pandemic has added fuel to the fire. Trump had alleged that China deliberately spread the corona infection and hid its correct information from the world. Throughout his tenure, Trump was extremely aggressive on China.


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