Viral video of weird led light mask on twitter will shock you trending on twitter

Special / Viral video of weird led light mask on twitter will shock you trending on twitter
Special - Viral video of weird led light mask on twitter will shock you trending on twitter
Special: Coronavirus Pandemic has completely changed everyone's life. Things like masks and sanitizers have become an essential part of our daily routine. Without them, even the thought of stepping outside the house cannot be imagined. Masks have now become a fashion statement too. Recently a very strange video of the mask has gone viral.

This mask surprised everyone

A video is going viral on the social media site Twitter. In this, a girl is sitting in the office wearing a strange mask (Weird LED Light Mask). There is an LED light on this mask. The LED light starts moving when the girl speaks. Looking at him, it seems as if someone is making different types of faces.

Liked by IPS officer

This strange masked video has been shared by IPS officer Dipanshu Kabra on Twitter. People are not able to stop laughing after watching this 20 second video (Funny Video). IPS officer Dipanshu Kabra has written in the caption of the video – I want to gift this mask to my wife. Where can I get it?

People mentioned the link in the comment

People have made many comments on this post of Officer Dipanshu Kabra in the Police Service. Some people have also shared links to buy LED masks. Most users find this mask quite strange. At the same time, some people wrote that they also want to buy this mask for their wife.


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