Walk-in vaccination for 18-44 age group from June 21 at all centres in Gujarat

Vaccination / Walk-in vaccination for 18-44 age group from June 21 at all centres in Gujarat
Vaccination - Walk-in vaccination for 18-44 age group from June 21 at all centres in Gujarat
Ahmedabad: Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani at a core committee meeting on Friday decided that all Covid-19 vaccination centres in the state will permit walk-in registration for the age group of 18-44 years from June 21, stated a press release from the government. The central

government will be taking over vaccine procurement and supply for all states, starting June 21.

Meanwhile, the state reported 262 new Covid-19 cases Friday and five deaths due to the infection.

At present, officially the state only permits those who register on CoWIN in the 18-44 group, to avail a vaccine dose. However, some districts or municipal corporations have taken a call at their level to permit on-the-spot registrations.

From 3 pm on June 21, the condition will be relaxed and no prior registration will be necessary and anyone who walks in can avail a dose from any vaccination site.

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, which took out a targeted vaccination drive for ‘super-spreaders’ — that is those population vulnerable owing to the nature of their work, such as vendors, public transport employees, small business employees — on June 16, administered 784 doses for those aged 18-44 years in this group, and 34 doses for those aged 45 and above.

According to the AMC, central zone, which includes parts of the walled city, has seen higher vaccine hesitancy compared to the rest of the city. On June 16, 182 doses were administered among “super-spreaders”in the central zone..

Gujarat on Friday administered 2.55 lakh doses across the state on Friday and till date has administered 2.15 crore doses.


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