Was Iran behind the attack on Trump? Questions are being raised after the revelations

Donald Trump News / Was Iran behind the attack on Trump? Questions are being raised after the revelations
Donald Trump News - Was Iran behind the attack on Trump? Questions are being raised after the revelations
Donald Trump News: Former US President Donald Trump was attacked at an election rally on Saturday. It has been 3 days since the incident. Every day new information related to this is coming out. Now the name of America's arch enemy Iran is also being added to the attack on Trump. According to CNN's report, before the attack, the US administration had received intelligence that Iran was plotting to assassinate Donald Trump. After getting information about the threat, the security agencies also increased Trump's security.

However, no evidence has been found that Matthew Crooks, the man who shot the former president, was a part of this Iranian conspiracy. Despite the information about the foreign conspiracy and increasing Trump's security, the 20-year-old attacker managed to reach close to Trump and fired bullets. This is raising many questions on the Pennsylvania Police and security agencies.

Trump's team was aware of the threat

According to CNN, Trump's team, the Secret Service, which is looking after his election campaign, came to know about the threat before Saturday's rally. A US national security official told CNN that the Secret Service and the Trump campaign were aware of the threat before Saturday's rally. The official told CNN that the Secret Service came to know about the threat. The NSC directly contacted the USSS at a senior level and officials were informed about the threat. In view of the increasing threat, the Secret Service had increased resources and assets for the security of former President Trump before Saturday.

Trump's election team has not revealed whether it was aware of the Iranian threat or not. The campaign said in a statement, "We do not comment on Trump's security policy. All questions should be asked to the United States Secret Service."

Warning was given not to hold public meetings

Security agencies had advised the Trump campaign not to hold any large gathering in the open, as it is difficult for security agencies to control such programs. People associated with the Trump campaign said that the agencies' warning was not serious but was in the form of an advice.

Iran's envoy reacted

Iran's envoy in the US has rejected the allegations. The Iranian Embassy said, the allegations are baseless and malicious. The Islamic Republic of Iran considers Trump a criminal who is accused of killing General Suleimani and he should be punished in the court of law. Iran has chosen the legal path to bring him to justice. Qasim Suleimani, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of the Iranian Army, was killed in a US airstrike at Baghdad International Airport in January 2020.


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