What are the conditions under which Aryan Khan has been granted bail?

India / What are the conditions under which Aryan Khan has been granted bail?
India - What are the conditions under which Aryan Khan has been granted bail?
Mumbai: Times Now accessed Aryan Khan’s bail order copy on Friday and the five-page order copy gives details of the conditions laid on Shah Rukh Khan’s son to fulfil the bail criteria.

Below are the conditions laid out by the Bombay High Court order:

1 Each of the Applicants/Accused shall execute PR Bond of Rs 1 lakh with one or more sureties in the like amount.

2 Applicants/Accused shall not indulge in any activity similar to the activities on the basis of which the said CR stands registered against them for offences under the NDPS Act.

3 Applicants/Accused shall not try to establish communication with co-accused or any other person involved directly or indirectly in similar activities or make any call to any person indulging in similar activities as alleged against them, through any mode of communication

4 Applicants/Accused shall not undertake any action which is prejudicial to the proceedings before the Hon’ble Special Court (established under the NDPS Act)

5 Applicants/Accused neither personally or through anyone make any attempt to influence witnesses nor tamper with the evidence.

6 Applicants/Accused shall surrender their passport before the Special Court immediately.

7 Applicants/Accused shall not make any statement regarding the aforesaid proceedings pending before the

8 Special Court in any form of media i.e. print media, electronic media etc. including social media.

9 Applicants/Accused shall not leave the country without prior permission from the Special Judge for NDPS at Greater Mumbai.

10 If the Applicants/Accused have to go out of Greater Mumbai, they shall inform the Investigating Officer; and shall give their itinerary to the Investigating Officer.

11 Applicants/Accused shall attend the NCB Mumbai office on each Friday between 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM to mark their presence.

12 Applicants/Accused shall attend all the dates in the Court unless prevented by any reasonable cause.

13 Applicants/Accused shall join the investigation as and when called upon to do so before the authorities of NCB.

14 Once the trial begins, the Applicants/Accused shall not in any manner try to delay the trial. 

15 If the Applicants/Accused violate any of these terms, NCB shall be entitled to straightaway apply to the Special Judge/Court for cancellation of their bail.

Further course of action:

Now, the lawyers will have to move to special NDPS court at sessions court for bail formalities

Including providing bail related documents and surety to the court 

Court is in operation until 5 PM

If the formalities are done and the documents reach Arthur road before 5-5.30, then they can walk out today

It is to be noted that if the NDPS court formality takes time, then they will walk out tomorrow.


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