What will be allowed and what will not be allowed in the relaxation in Bihar from June 23?

Coronavirus / What will be allowed and what will not be allowed in the relaxation in Bihar from June 23?
Coronavirus - What will be allowed and what will not be allowed in the relaxation in Bihar from June 23?
Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Monday eased coronavirus-induced lockdown restrictions further in the state. The relaxations will come into effect from 23 June and remain in place till 6 July.

However, the night curfew will remain in force in the state from 9 pm to 5 am daily.

The decision was announced by the Bihar Chief Minister after holding a Covid-19 review meeting on Monday.

Taking to Twitter, the Bihar CM wrote, "From 23 June to 6 July, government and non-government offices will function at 100% capacity, shops to open till 7 pm, night curfew will remain in force from 9 pm to 5 am. Parks and gardens to be open from 6 am to 12 noon."

He also said that people must continue following appropriate coronavirus norms, including the usage of masks and practising social distancing, to ensure that cases do not rise again.

Let's take a look at the latest Covid restrictions in the state

All government and non-government offices will function at 100% capacity, CM Nitish Kumar announced today.

All shops to reopen on alternative days till 7 pm daily.

Parks and gardens will be open from 6 am to 12 noon daily.

Maximum 25 people allowed in wedding ceremonies.


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