Where and how much did Petrol-Diesel become cheaper or costlier? Check the latest rates

Petrol-Diesel Price / Where and how much did Petrol-Diesel become cheaper or costlier? Check the latest rates
Petrol-Diesel Price - Where and how much did Petrol-Diesel become cheaper or costlier? Check the latest rates
Petrol-Diesel Price: If you are preparing to leave the house after the New Year holidays, then this news is important for you. In the international market, Brent crude is trading at $ 75.13 per barrel and WTI crude at $ 72.20 per barrel. At the same time, oil marketing companies in India have released the latest prices of petrol and diesel for January 2. It is a matter of relief that there has been no change in the prices of petrol and diesel since March 2024. Let us know, what is the price of petrol and diesel in which city today.

Cheaper in Delhi, expensive in Mumbai

The prices of petrol and diesel in the country's capital Delhi are lower than in other big cities.

Delhi: Petrol ₹94.72 per litre, Diesel ₹87.62 per litre

Mumbai: Petrol ₹103.94 per litre, Diesel ₹89.97 per litre

Kolkata: Petrol ₹103.94 per litre, Diesel ₹90.76 per litre

Chennai: Petrol ₹100.85 per litre, Diesel ₹92.44 per litre

Prices in other major cities

Petrol and diesel prices in other major cities of India are as follows:

Bengaluru: Petrol ₹102.86, Diesel ₹88.94

Lucknow: Petrol ₹94.65, Diesel ₹87.76

Noida: Petrol ₹94.87, Diesel ₹87.76

Gurugram: Petrol ₹94.98, Diesel ₹87.85

Chandigarh: Petrol ₹94.24, Diesel ₹82.40

Patna: Petrol ₹105.42, Diesel ₹92.27

Oil prices are updated daily

Petrol and diesel prices may change daily. New rates are updated every day at 6 am. If there is any change, it can be seen on the website of the concerned company. If there is no change in prices, the previously issued rate list remains valid.

How to check petrol and diesel prices in your city

Petrol and diesel prices vary due to state taxes and other local taxes. You can also know the latest prices of your city through SMS from your phone.

Indian Oil (IOCL) customers have to write the RSP code of their city and send it to 9224992249.

To know the RSP code of your city, you can visit the official website of Indian Oil.


There has been no change in the prices of petrol and diesel since March 2024, which has brought relief to the general public. However, crude oil prices in the international market and domestic tax policy can affect these prices. It would be better if you plan only after knowing the latest rates of your city.


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