Where will the new corona virus arise in the world and what is its reason

Scientists Revealed / Where will the new corona virus arise in the world and what is its reason
Scientists Revealed - Where will the new corona virus arise in the world and what is its reason
The way land is being used is changing all over the world. Forests are being cut into pieces. Agriculture is expanding. Apart from this, concentrated production of cattle is being done. All this work is creating favorable conditions for bats and the corona virus present in them in many places in the world. By studying these circumstances, scientists have made a list of possible hotspots for the emergence of new corona virus. Along with this, it has also been told that from these places too, the corona virus can go from bats to humans and infect them.

The study was carried out by scientists from the University of California at Berkeley, the Polytechnic University of Milan and Massey University in New Zealand. Scientists said that till now the exact place of origin of SARS-CoV-2 has not been known. Scientists know that the coronavirus first infected horses-shoe bats, then spread to humans. This infection is either spread directly or by humans coming in contact with forests and animals. Another way is through some medium such as pangolin transmission between bats and humans.

The new study covered countries from Western Europe to Southeast Asia. Where the use of land is changing, there are species of Horse-shoe bats. When scientists compared forest fragments, human settlement, expansion of agriculture and cattle production in these countries with the habitat of horse-shoe bats, they knew where the new corona virus could originate and infect people. Because now the circumstances are becoming very favorable for the corona virus that will arise.

The new corona virus can easily be born in the places named in this study. Also, they can infect humans. Paolo Diodorico, a professor of environmental science at the University of California, said that changing land use has a big impact on human health. Because one, we are changing the environment. Second, humans are at increased risk from zoonotic diseases (diseases spread by animals). Even if the use of land in a country is being changed at the government level, even then the effect on human health should be investigated. Because it affects the carbon stock, microclimate and availability of water.

First of all, the name of the country in which the new corona virus can be born is China. There are many such hotspots in China where the demand for meat production is increasing rapidly. Because of this, the production of cattle is increasing. Concentrated cattle production is a concern in China. Because in such places many such organisms come which are genetically similar. Also their immune system is weak. They are capable of infecting themselves and spreading epidemics.

Apart from this, places where new strains or variants of corona virus can come. Or a new corona virus may be born - parts of Japan, the northern region of the Philippines, the southern region of China and Shanghai may become the first hotspots of the new corona virus. Whereas, some parts of Indo-China and some areas of Thailand which are present but may turn into hotspots in future. Because the production of cattle in these places is increasing rapidly.

Hydrology at the Polytechnic University in Milan. Maria Cristina Rulli, Professor of Water and Food Safety, said that the things we have studied in this study are showing potential. Because the use of land is being changed in these areas. Forests are being cut. Water availability is being affected. Concentrated cattle production is taking place. In places where all these works are being done simultaneously, there is a high possibility of new corona virus being born.

Christina Maria Rulli said that we hope that our study will focus people's attention on the areas where the new corona virus is likely to be born. Also, to prevent the spread of any kind of epidemic, strict rules will be made in these areas, as well as they will be strictly followed. Because the occupation of humans in natural places increases the diseases spread by animals. It also reduces the valuable biodiversity. Let us tell you how.

Christina told that humans first cut into pieces of forests. After that he cuts trees there. On this land either he does agriculture or raises cattle or sets up industry. That is, the natural home of many creatures was destroyed. Whereas, some species of organisms need a special kind of environment to live, which humans have spoiled. They are called Specialists. They don't go anywhere else. Organisms of other species that are not affected by sabotage are called generalists.

Organisms of specialist species either go to another place after breaking their home. Or else their species perishes. But creatures of the generalist species seek space in human settlements to protect themselves. They do not require any special environment or place to live. Therefore, as soon as they come close to humans, the bacteria-viruses moving with them also come close to humans. This is where the risk of spreading zoonotic diseases to humans increases.

Pro. Paolo Diodorico pointed out that the Horse-shoe bats in the Generalist category


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