Which states in India have reported the new Delta Plus COVID-19 variant?

Coronavirus / Which states in India have reported the new Delta Plus COVID-19 variant?
Coronavirus - Which states in India have reported the new Delta Plus COVID-19 variant?
New Delhi: In the wake of the reports of a new Coronavirus variant, Delta Plus, surfacing in India, the Union health ministry on Tuesday alerted Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Kerala, where the initial cases were found. But in the last two days, many other states reported the variant and Madhya Pradesh has also reported the first Delta Plus death on Thursday.

From the statewise distribution of the Delta Plus cases, it might be wrong to conclude that southern states have been infected by the Delta Plus variant more than northern states as genome sequencing may be pending for many samples. No specific age group has emerged as more vulnerable as the variant has been found in a toddler and in senior citizens as well.

Here is a list of the state where Delta Plus has been detected so far

Maharashtra: The very first case of Delta Plus in India was found in a sample taken in April from Maharashtra. The state has over 20 cases of the new variant. Maharashtra's Ratnagiri and Jalgaon are the two places where the initial cases have been traced to. Maharashtra health minister Rajesh Tope said it is concerning that the number of daily Covid-19 infections is not coming below 8,000.

Madhya Pradesh: Bhopal and Shivpuri were the two places which were alerted by the Centre. On Thursday, Ujjain reported two Delta Plus cases, including one death. According to reports, a 59-year-old woman of Ujjain who died of Covid-19 on May 23 was infected with the Delta Plus variant. She was not vaccinated. Madhya Pradesh, in total, has reported five Delta Plus cases, including the death. The other four received vaccinations and are now recovering, reports said.

Karnataka: Karnataka reported the first Delta Plus in Mysuru on Wednesday, and the second in Bengaluru on Thursday. Both the patients are in isolation.

Kerala: After a Delta Plus case was reported from Pathanamitta and two from Palakkad district, three villages went under lockdown. In Pathanamthitta, Delta Pus was found in a four-year-old boy in Kadapra village.

Tamil Nadu: A 32-year-old nurse from Chennai is Tamil Nadu's first case of Delta Plus variant and she has recovered now. She tested positive on May 4 and now it has been found out that she was infected with the Delta Plus variant.

J&K: A healthcare worker of J&K was detected with the Delta Plus variant and has recovered completely, Jammu Government Medical College has informed.


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