WHO appeals to the people regarding the delta variant, said - those taking the vaccine should also be careful

Viral News / WHO appeals to the people regarding the delta variant, said - those taking the vaccine should also be careful
Viral News - WHO appeals to the people regarding the delta variant, said - those taking the vaccine should also be careful
Geneva Due to the spread of Corona's delta variants around the world, the World Health Organization (Who) has appealed that those who took both doses of vaccine, they do not even wear masks (MASK). WHO said that to prevent dangerous and more infectious delta variants from spreading social distencing, wearing a mask and should not leave other security measures. WHO official Mariaangila Simao said that people should not just feel safe because they have taken both Khoki. They still need to save themselves from the virus.

According to CNBC, Simao said during a press briefing in WHO Headquarter, "Vaccine alone can not stop the community transmission. People will have to wear a consistent mask, stay in ventilated places, avoid the crowd and keep the hands clean. It is also very important when you have taken both doses of vaccine. '

WHO has also said that people can take care of security because very infectious variants like Delta are spreading in many countries and vaccine is still there in a large part of the world. Delta variant was first found in India. According to the World Health Organization, it has now spread around 85 countries.


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