Who won the debate between Trump and Biden? Know what the people who participated in the survey said

US Presidential Election / Who won the debate between Trump and Biden? Know what the people who participated in the survey said
US Presidential Election - Who won the debate between Trump and Biden? Know what the people who participated in the survey said
US Presidential Election: In the eyes of most people who watched the first debate for the US presidency, former President Donald Trump performed better than current President Joe Biden. This is in contrast to the situation in 2020, when debate viewers saw 81-year-old Democrat leader Biden as a better candidate than his Republican rival Trump. There was an aggressive debate between the two leaders on Thursday for about 90 minutes. During this, there was a war of words between President Biden and 78-year-old Trump regarding the economy, immigration, foreign policy, abortion and national security.

'67 percent people called Trump's performance better'

During the debate, both leaders called each other liars and the worst president in US history. According to the 'CNN Flash Survey' conducted by SSRS, 67 percent of the registered people who watched the debate called Trump's performance better while 33 percent were with Biden in this matter. Let us tell you that the first of the 3 presidential debates took place in Atlanta, which was hosted by CNN. Before the debate, 55 percent of those same voters had put Trump ahead while 45 percent expected Biden to perform better.

Biden outperformed Trump in the 2020 debate

CNN said the survey results reflect opinions about the debate only among voters who attended it and do not represent the views of the entire voting public. In the survey, debate watchers were 5 points more likely to be Republican-aligned than Democratic-aligned. According to CNN's report, these results are different from the situation in the year 2020, when debate watchers said Biden was better than Trump in the presidential debate.

57% do not trust Biden's ability

57 percent of those who watched the debate in the US on Thursday night said they had no confidence in Biden's ability to lead the country, and 44 percent said the same about Trump's ability. According to the report, only 36 percent of those who watched the debate said they had a lot of confidence in Trump's ability to lead the country, but only 14 percent said the same thing about Biden. This CNN survey is based on 565 registered American voters who accepted watching the debate. This survey was conducted through written messages.


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