Bollywood News: The friendship between Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan and filmmaker Yash Chopra has always been an inspiration. The two have worked together in many films, many of which were successful at the box office. From Yash Chopra's film 'Silsila' to 'Mohabbatein', Amitabh Bachchan worked under his direction and took the films to new heights. But one special anecdote that very few people know till now is the fee of just Rs 1 taken by Amitabh Bachchan during the film 'Mohabbatein'.This interesting anecdote was shared by director Nikhil Advani in a recent interview with Radio Mirchi. Nikhil Advani, who has been associated with Yash Chopra and his son Aditya Chopra for a long time, told how Amitabh Bachchan took a fee of just Rs 1 in this film, giving importance to his friendship and relationship with Yash Chopra.
1 rupee fee for 'Mohabbatein'Nikhil Advani revealed in the interview that when Yash Chopra was making his son Aditya Chopra's film 'Mohabbatein', he asked Amitabh Bachchan about the fee. To this Amitabh Bachchan replied that he had earlier also taken money from Yash Chopra to buy a house, which he used with full honesty. Therefore, this time Amitabh Bachchan decided to take only 1 rupee as fee for the film.Nikhil Advani said about this anecdote, "Films are made with the strength of good relationships. Nowadays people calculate every minute, but it was not so at that time. Pamela Chopra, who was Yash Chopra's wife, always brought home-cooked food for us. She did the same when the film 'Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge' was being made." Yash Chopra and Amitabh Bachchan's friendshipThis incident not only shows the deep understanding of Yash Chopra and Amitabh Bachchan's friendship, but also highlights the Bollywood environment of that time, where artists worked not just for money, but also for relationships and emotion. Honoring his strong friendship with Yash Chopra, Amitabh Bachchan took a fee of Rs 1, which became an example of true friendship and professionalism.
Nikhil Advani's Bollywood journeyNikhil Advani also started his career with Yash Chopra and Aditya Chopra. 53-year-old Nikhil Advani is today considered one of the leading directors of Bollywood. He worked on many projects with Yash Chopra, Karan Johar and Aditya Chopra. His first film as a director 'Kal Ho Na Ho' (2003) was a superhit, and after this he made his mark in Bollywood.Such stories present an interesting and emotional picture of Bollywood, where actors did not just think about their fees, but friendship, relationships and respect for each other also mattered.