Will Kejriwal come out of Tihar? Delhi High Court will give its decision tomorrow

Delhi Liquor Scam / Will Kejriwal come out of Tihar? Delhi High Court will give its decision tomorrow
Delhi Liquor Scam - Will Kejriwal come out of Tihar? Delhi High Court will give its decision tomorrow
Delhi Liquor Scam: Delhi High Court will give its verdict tomorrow on whether the stay on the release of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal will continue or not. The High Court is going to give its verdict on this matter on Tuesday at 2.30 pm. Let us tell you that the ED had challenged the bail decision given by the lower court in Delhi High Court. The High Court had put an interim stay on Kejriwal's release on June 21.

Lower court had granted bail

Delhi's Rouse Avenue Court had granted bail to CM Arvind Kejriwal on June 20. However, even before Kejriwal came out of jail, ED went to Delhi High Court with a petition against the bail. After a day-long hearing, Delhi High Court had stayed Kejriwal's release till the decision in the case.


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