The first solar eclipse of the year 2021 is going to take place on Thursday, June 10 i.e. today. In India, this solar eclipse will be partially visible only in some parts of Arunachal Pradesh and Ladakh. This eclipse will take place at 1:42 pm and will end at 6.41 pm. Today is special in many ways as Jyeshtha Amavasya, Shani Jayanti and Vat Savitri Vrat are all on the same day.
According to astrologer Kamal Nandlal, eclipse means to tarnish something. If the eclipse takes place on the original source of energy of the world i.e. the Sun, then it is sure to be bad. This year's solar eclipse is Khagras, Ring of Fire or annular solar eclipse. In such a situation, it will have a great impact on the country and the world. Let us know from Pandit Kamal Nandlal that what situation can arise in the country and the world due to this solar eclipse.
According to astrologers, the first lunar eclipse of the year took place on 26 May. Apart from Arunachal Pradesh, the sight of lunar eclipse was seen in some parts of India. But originally appeared in China and America. In such a situation, the maximum effect of lunar eclipse is on water i.e. rivers etc.
This solar eclipse is showing a very special condition. According to Pandit Kamal Nandlal, this solar eclipse is going to fall in Taurus. Taurus is the sign of the earth element and this solar eclipse will take place in the constellation of Margashirsha ie Mars. In such a situation, Mars and Venus are considered to be fierce opponents of each other. While Venus is the lord of beauty on one hand, Mars is considered responsible for fights and fights. Venus is the lord of sexuality and Mars is also the lord of male and fire element. Venus rules the fire direction and Mars rules the south direction. According to this position of the planetary constellations, it can be said that situations like war or fire can be born in the country and the world.
Pandit Kamal Nandlal says, Margashirsha Nakshatra is the constellation of the air element, that is, the wind will circulate. Taurus refers to the earth sign. This means that somewhere in the country and the world, war-like situations may arise. Since the lunar eclipse was visible in Arunachal Pradesh and Kashmir of India and now the solar eclipse is also going to happen, then there is a possibility of upheaval. The eastern part of India i.e. Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland and Kashmir or Punjab adjoining Kashmir can create a crisis situation in the country. In the coming 45 days in these parts of the country, a situation like infiltration or a huge crisis on the border can arise.
According to Kaal Purush research, this solar eclipse falls in the second house of Kaal Purush i.e. money house. Its full effect will also be on the age of the world, that is, the sense of excellence. Ketu is sitting in Scorpio. Chaturgrahi Yoga will be formed on this solar eclipse. In such a situation, when Rahu and Mercury meet with each other, a natural defect is formed. Therefore, there can be a fire-like situation from the side of nature. In addition, there may be a possibility of earthquake, earthquake or fire.
The special thing is that this eclipse is happening in the lagna kundli of India. It has a direct effect on the 7th house. In such a situation, from the geographical point of view, the 7th house is related to war. Therefore it can be said that the full effect of the eclipse is falling on India and its appropriate special house.
According to astrology, the axes of Rahu and Ketu are retrograde. In such a situation, the entire vision of the eclipse falls on the might of India, on the birth house i.e. on the 5th house, on the 7th house, on the house of luck and on the house of profit. Because both the eclipses have been visible within 16 days in both Arunachal Pradesh or Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Therefore, the probability of a reasonably large incident can arise within 45 days to 90 days coming from both these places in the country.
Both these eclipses (lunar eclipse on 26 May and solar eclipse on 10 June i.e. today) have been present on both China and America. Looking at the situation in the country, it can be said that within the coming 45 days to 90 days, a situation of war can arise between America and China. The tense situation of war is seen in the center of the world. The central part of the world is called Qibla, that is, the region of Israel. According to astrology, the war situation can be seen there again.
In such a situation, politics can get spoiled at an inter-level. With this, a situation of public outrage may arise. But its special effect will not be seen on India. India will prove successful in overcoming war-like situations with its international policy. But in the coming 90 days, a war-like situation can definitely arise in the world. A war-like situation can arise in China, Korea and in America, Britain.