Younis Khan resign as pakistan batting coach, involved in verbal fight with an official

Cricket / Younis Khan resign as pakistan batting coach, involved in verbal fight with an official
Cricket - Younis Khan resign as pakistan batting coach, involved in verbal fight with an official
Karachi: Younis Khan stepped down as the national cricket team's batting coach ahead of the England tour following alleged misbehavior by a Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) official.

A reliable source told PTI that Younis Khan wanted to join the team's biologically safe environment after a few days but the former captain stepped down as the batting coach after a conversation with a board official.

Why did Younis Khan leave the post of coach?

The source said, “The real and factual reason is that Younis had requested the PCB to allow him to join a mandatory biologically safe environment a few days later before the tour of England as he had to undergo a complex dental treatment in Karachi. Had to do it'.

"Younis had come to Lahore for three days to attend an adaptation camp at the High Performance Center ahead of the England tour," the source said. But it was announced that all players and officials would have to undergo self-isolation from July 20 before leaving for England. Younis urged that the PCB allow him to return to Karachi for dental treatment and join the team late.

Yumis had a fight with the officer

The source revealed that the PCB official with whom Younis Khan spoke categorically told him that in view of the MoU (Letter of Consent) with the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) regarding segregation rules, he was late. Cannot join the team and in doing so will have to be out of the series in England.

He said, "During this conversation, the atmosphere got heated when the official told Younis that then he should only go to the West Indies as his request, which came so late, could not be accepted".

After this, Younis also lost his cool and told the PCB official that it would be better not to go for both England and West Indies tours, the source said.

Later, PCB chairman Ehsan Mani and CEO Wasim Khan also tried to resolve the matter by talking to Younis but the former captain said that he did not want to continue as batting coach, the source said.


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