Russia launched its first attack on Ukraine on 24 February. Since then this war is becoming dangerous. Even after 32 days of war, Russia is wreaking havoc in Ukraine. On Sunday, he carried out missile attacks on Mariupol and Lavil in Ukraine. After this the statement of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has come to the fore. Taking a dig at European countries, he said that we cannot counter Russian missiles with machine guns and shotguns. We are tired of waiting for weapons.
It is not possible to save MariupolPresident Zelensky said that now it is not possible to save Mariupol. Actually, Russia has launched a tremendous attack here with missiles. The President of Ukraine says that we need tanks and planes to stop Russia. In a virtual meeting with Polish President Andrzej Dud, Zelensky expressed his disappointment that he was disappointed that Ukraine had not received the Polish MiG-29 jets.
Zelensky ready to negotiateAfter these attacks, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has once again offered talks. He said that now is the time for talks so that this devastation can be stopped. He said that, if Russia does not rectify its mistakes, then generations will have to bear the consequences.
Russia had indicated to attack oilIn the midst of the war, there were indications from Russia on Saturday that it is changing its strategy regarding the war. The Russian military official said that, we have successfully completed the first phase of the war in Ukraine. Now we are moving on to the second stage. Our goal is to have complete control over Donbass. On the other hand, US President Joe Biden has called Russian President Vladimir Putin a butcher.