Viral News / 18 year old bride died during honeymoon, girl died during sex....

After marriage, the first night in the bride-bride's life is considered very important, but what happened with the New Marriage Couple in Brazil, perhaps they would never even think. According to the report of the website The Sun, both were very happy after marriage, but before the marital life started, their world was destroyed. Husband has a trauma from the wife's death.

After marriage, the first night in the bride-bride's life is considered very important, but what happened with the New Marriage Couple in Brazil, perhaps they would never even think. According to the report of the website The Sun, both were very happy after marriage, but before the marital life started, their world was destroyed. Husband has a trauma from the wife's death. Read further what happened during the honeymoon ...

This is the case of Ebirite city of Brazil. The 18-year-old girl was married to the Farm House located near her house with a 29-year-old boy. After the marriage, the New Married couple was very happy, but these happiness could not stay longer.

According to the police, the health of the girl suddenly deteriorated during the first night after marriage. As long as the husband could understand something, he fell on the ground. Seeing this husband became disturbed, he immediately called the neighbors to help.

Asked to bring the taxi to the wife to take the hospital. Husband said that the taxi driver refused to walk the hospital, after that the second taxi driver was called, but he also refused to help emergency services.

Husband called for emergency services. When Paramedics staff reached his house, the woman's breath was going on. Paramedics staff found while struggling to breathe and confirmed that he had a heart attack.

Immediately, the woman was taken to the hospital from the ambulance, but she died on the way. Husband claims that the ambulance took about an hour and for this reason his wife died. At the same time, emergency services were told that the first ambulance could be canceled and came within 21 minutes.

Postmortum of the woman's body after death, in which the information was that she had a disease called bronchitis. Police said that there were no signs of any kind of violence on the bride's body. The police is convinced of his death accidental.

At the same time the neighbors also told the police that they did not hear any scream or noise before the death of the woman. Husband says that she is not sure that the wife will be left like this.