Viral News / A person lived for 555 days without 'heart', know how this miracle happened

To keep humans alive, 'heart' is one of the most important organs. Can any person live without a moment? You will say that this is impossible! But today we are going to introduce you to a person who has shown it. She was not alive without a heart not one or a half years.

To keep humans alive, 'heart' is one of the most important organs. Can any person live without a moment? You will say that this is impossible! But today we are going to introduce you to a person who has shown it. She was not alive without a heart not one or a half years.

Actually, stan larkin had to be transplant to the heart of the person, but he was not getting any donor. In such a situation, they have to spend one or two but 555 days with 'Artificial Heart'.

Stan Larkin used to work everyday by hanging the art bag on his back. Not only that he played it till football with legs on his back. Let us know that the need for Artificial Heart when both of its hearts are failed and the normal Heart Supporting device is not enough to keep it alive.

According to a report printed in CBSNews, Larkin got Donor in 2016 and his heart was transplant. Then his age was 25 years. But before, for 555 days he kept the bag of Syncardia device (artificial heart) in waiting for Donor. The weight of this bag was about 6 kg. Let us know that this matter is about 5 years old but this inspirational story of Stan Larkin is once again in the headlines.

Associate Professor of Cardiac Surgery at Michigan University Dr. Jonathan Hoft and Larkin's heart disease expert said that when he saw Larkin for the first time, he was quite ill. He said, "When I met Stan for the first time, he was kept on the Life Support System at that time, he was fighting with life and death. He did not trust the artificial equipment, but he knew that this was the only option to keep him alive. '

Jonathan Hoft told CBS News that Larkin was the first patient to get hospital with the syncardia device in Michigan. He had to always keep this device in a bag with him. In 2016, Larkin said in the Michigan University Frankel Cardiovascular Center Press Conference, 'Syncardia device gave me a new life.'