Vikrant Singh Shekhawat
- India,
- 25-Jun-2023,
Russia Coup: The war of rebellion has started in Russia. The Wagner Group has opened a front against Russian President Vladimir Putin. This has increased tension in Moscow. Emergency has been declared in Russia after the rebellion of Wagner Group. But now there is news that after about 12 hours of upheaval, an agreement has been reached between the Wagner Group and the Russian government. After this agreement, Wagner's fighters have started returning to Ukraine.Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko has a big hand in bringing this agreement back on track. He has claimed that the draft agreement with Wagner has been prepared. An agreement has been reached between Prigogine and the Russian government. After this, Wagner's fighters are returning back to the field. According to the claim, Lukashenko spoke to Wagner Group chief Yevgeny Prigogine and requested him to stop the attack on Russia.Wagner's army started returning from MoscowAfter this, Wagner's army started returning from Moscow. Lukashenko said that President Putin has given the assurance of security to the Wagner army. On the other hand, Prigogine, Chief of the Wagner Group, issued an audio message on Telegram ordering the Wagner fighters to return to Ukraine. He said that Wagner's army should return to the battlefield again.Emergency imposed in MoscowThings got much worse after Wagner's rebellion in Russia. Emergency has been imposed in Moscow. People there have been advised to stay at home. Monday has been declared a 'non-working day' in Moscow. It has been said in the news that Wagner Chief deliberately rebelled. The whole world is watching Wagner's rebellion. Many countries are keeping an eye on this.Putin himself created this threat – ZelenskyUkraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has given a big statement amidst the ongoing tension in Russia. He said that Putin himself has created this danger. He said that Putin is not in Moscow. Zelensky said that our victory in the war against Russia is certain. He said that Putin has hid somewhere due to fear.