Twitter : Jul 29, 2019, 11:40 AM
Samajwadi Party MP Azam Khan apologised in Lok Sabha on Monday for making sexist remarks against BJP MP Rama Devi."I had no malintent towards the Chair. Everyone in the House knows my speech and my conduct, but despite this, if the Chair feels that I made a mistake then I apologise for that," Azam Khan said on Monday in Lok Sabha.The apology came after Azam Khan and SP chief Akhilesh Yadav met Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla in the House before the start of the session on Monday.However, BJP MP Rama Devi refused to accept Azam Khan's apology. She said, "Azam Khan’s behaviour has hurt the nation and its women. He has always made such remarks and never changed. His habit should change. He says whatever comes to his mouth, this needs to change."