China News / China tested a dangerous missile in the Pacific Ocean, these countries are in danger

China has tested an intercontinental missile (ICBM) in the Pacific Ocean. This missile can be a threat to America, Japan and Taiwan. The Chinese Defense Ministry has described it as part of annual training. This is the first time since 1989 that China has publicly announced a successful test of this type.

Vikrant Shekhawat : Sep 25, 2024, 12:11 PM
China News: China on Wednesday reported successful testing of an intercontinental missile (ICBM) in the Pacific Ocean. The test was carried out by the Rocket Force of the People's Liberation Army. According to the Global Times report, the missile was fired with a dummy weapon and fell in the high seas of the Pacific Ocean. The incident is raising new questions for security around the world, especially for the US, Taiwan and Japan who are already concerned about China's military power and aggression.

The missile successfully hit the target

According to China's Defense Ministry, the test was part of their annual training plan and was not done to target any specific country or target. The ministry stressed that the test was only to test the effectiveness of weapon performance and military training. The missile has successfully achieved all its set targets, reflecting China's growing progress and strength in missile technology.

Information given for the first time since 1989

This test is also special because China has publicly informed about an intercontinental missile test for the first time since 1989. China's first ICBM test took place in May 1980, and since then most nuclear weapon tests have been conducted underground. China's announcement of this open test indicates that it now wants to show its growing military capability more publicly.

International concern and potential danger

This move by China has raised new concerns about nuclear weapons internationally. This test is being seen as a potential threat to many major countries of the world. China's territorial disputes with the US, Japan, the Philippines, and Taiwan in the South China Sea are already a cause of tension. In such a situation, this test can make the situation even more serious.

However, Beijing has made it clear that it follows a "no first use" policy, which means that China will not use nuclear weapons unless nuclear weapons are used against it. Despite this, China's growing nuclear capability has created an atmosphere of alertness for other major countries of the world.

China's growing nuclear stockpile

According to a Reuters report, China currently has more than 500 nuclear weapons, including about 350 ICBMs. This number may exceed 1000 by 2030. A recent Pentagon report has also revealed that the Chinese army is building hundreds of secret missile silos for land-based ICBMs. This indicates that China is constantly increasing its nuclear capability, which can have a profound impact on the global military balance.


This intercontinental missile test conducted by China has attracted serious attention on the global stage. While on one hand China has described it as a part of regular military exercise, on the other hand this move has raised security related questions at the international level. This is a new challenge for countries like America, Japan, and Taiwan, which are already troubled by China's aggressive policies and expansionist attitude. Now it remains to be seen how other big countries of the world react to this test and what impact it has on global security.