PM Modi Speech / Country.. Inflation... Corona and Poor... Read 10 big things of PM Modi's speech

Prime Minister Narendra Modi replied on the motion of thanks to the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Monday (February 7). During this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi raised all issues including country, nationalism, inflation, corona, village, poor and self-reliant India. At the same time, referring to the country's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru several times, he targeted the Congress.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi replied on the motion of thanks to the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Monday (February 7). During this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi raised all issues including country, nationalism, inflation, corona, village, poor and self-reliant India. At the same time, referring to the country's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru several times, he targeted the Congress. In this report, we are introducing you to 10 big things of PM Modi's speech.

1. Speech started with the mention of Lata Mangeshkar

PM Modi started his speech with Lata Mangeshkar. He said, 'Before telling my point, I would like to say two words about the incident that happened yesterday. The country has lost the respected Lata didi. Whose voice captivated the country in such a long period. Inspired the country, filled the country with emotions. Strengthening cultural heritage and unity. He sang in 36 languages. This is an inspiring example for unity and integrity for India. I pay my respectful homage to Lata didi.

2. Focus on Self-reliant India

PM Modi said that a big change has happened in the world. A great world order we live in. I see that the world is moving towards new systems after the Corona period. India should not miss this opportunity. India's voice should remain high on the table. India should not underestimate itself for the role of leader. 75 years of independence is an inspiring occasion in itself. When the country celebrates 100 years of independence with new resolutions, by then we will take the country towards that direction with full strength and power and determination.

3. Targeting the opposition on the pretext of the poor

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that in the past years, the country has given basic system in many areas. Felt very strong. We have progressed very strongly. The poor should have houses to live in. This program has been going on for a long time, but its scope has increased. The houses of the poor are also being built in lakhs. Whoever gets a pucca house, that poor today also comes in the category of lakhpati. Who would be Hindustani, who should not be proud to hear that every poorest person in the country has a toilet in his house? Villages in the village have become defecation free. After so many years of independence, the happiness of the light that shines in the homes of the poor gives strength to the happiness of the country. If a poor mother working with burning eyes due to the smoke of the stove has a gas connection, then her happiness is different. Our mothers and sisters are taking full advantage of it. Today the poor also use their bank account over the telephone. The amount given by the government directly reaches his bank account. All these things if you were connected to the land, if you were to live among the people, then these things would definitely be visible, visible. But the unfortunate thing is that there are many of you whose needle has been stuck since 2014. They can't get out of it. You have also suffered the consequences. You have tied yourself up in such a mental state. The people of the country have recognized you. Some earlier, some now and some later.

4. Spoke a direct attack on Congress

PM Modi said that when he gives such a long speech, he forgets that you had taken advantage of sitting in this place for 50 years. Why can't you think of anything? The people of Nagaland last voted for the Congress in 1998. Odisha last voted for you in 1995. It's been 27 years. In Goa, AAP won with an absolute majority in 1994. The last time you got votes in Tripura was in 1988. The condition of Congress is UP, Bihar, Gujarat voted for you in 1985. Liked you in Bengal in 1972 i.e. 50 years ago. You got the opportunity in Tamil Nadu about 60 years ago. Take the credit for creating Telangana, but the people of Telangana did not accept you. It's been 20 years since Jharkhand was formed, but they don't accept you. You enter through the back door. It is not a question of Congress votes. The question is about their intention. Why do the people of the country reject him even after being ruled for so many years in such a big democracy?

5. The effect of the epidemic was also mentioned

PM Modi said that in the last two years, the human race of the whole world is battling the biggest epidemic of 100 years. Those who worked to understand India on the basis of India's past, they feared that India would not be able to fight such a big battle. India will not be able to save itself. But what is the situation today? Made in India vaccines are the most effective in the world. Today, India has almost come close to the target of 100 percent first dose and has also completed the milestone of 80 percent second dose.

6. Also made aware of the importance of yoga

PM Modi also told the importance of yoga during his speech. He said, 'Today the whole world is adopting yoga in the midst of Corona. You made fun of him too. You should have said that if there are people at home then do yoga. You may have conflict with Modi. Together, we all asked people to move forward through Quit India. where are we standing? I am lovingly saying don't be angry. I sometimes get this idea from their statements, from their programs, the way you speak, the way you connect issues. You seem to have made up your mind that you don't have to come to power for 100 years.

7. List the benefits of Make in India

PM Modi said, they say that Make in India cannot happen. They take pleasure in it. Why do you speak against the country? Make in India cannot happen. Entrepreneur of the country has done this and you have become the subject of jokes. I am able to understand how much pain the success of Make in India is giving you. Some people are concerned about Make in India because the path of commission is closed, it means the path of corruption is closed, it means the way of filling the chest is closed. Ignoring the potential of the people of India is an insult to the youth and entrepreneurs of the country.

8. This answer was given on the issue of inflation

PM Modi said that our colleagues in the opposition have also raised the issue of inflation. It would have been good for the country too, if you had this concern even when the UPA government was under the leadership of Congress. This pain should have happened at that time also. You have forgotten. I remind In the last five years of the Congress, the country had to face double digit inflation during almost the entire tenure. The policies of the Congress were such that the government itself began to believe that inflation was out of its control. The Finance Minister had shamelessly told the people not to expect any Aladdin's lamp to bring down inflation. At the same time, inflation in the country has been less than five percent from 2014 to 2020. Despite Corona, inflation this year has been 22.2 percent. In that too the overall inflation has been less than three per cent.

9. Defense sector also mentioned

PM Modi said that those who ran the government of the country for 50 years, if they only look at the defense sector, then they will know what they used to do. What used to happen earlier? Purchases would go on for many years to buy new equipment. By the time that device arrived, those things were out of date. We tried to settle the issues in the defense sector. Earlier we had to look to other countries for equipment. Bring this in a hurry, they used to bring this. We also depended on other countries for spare parts. We could not protect the country by relying on others. To be self-reliant in the defense sector, it is a matter of necessity. In this budget also, we have ensured that more and more defense equipment will be made in India itself, we will buy it from Indian companies only. This is the way to close out buying. To fulfill the aspirations of India, we are aiming to become a defense exporter.

10. Surrounded by the name of Nehru

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that what did Pandit Nehru say to the Red Fort regarding inflation during the Congress times? Pandit Nehru had said at that time that sometimes even fighting in Korea affects us. Due to this the prices of the goods increase. And they are beyond our control. If something happens in America also, it also affects the price of goods. Today in the world inflation is seven percent in countries like America, but we are not one to run away by blaming anyone. We are one of those who sincerely try.