Vikrant Shekhawat : May 25, 2021, 01:27 PM
New Delhi: Pharmaceutical giant Roche India has launched 'Antibody Cocktail' against Kovid-19 in India. The special thing is that the same cocktail was also used in his treatment last year when the then US President Donald Trump was Covied.This antibody cocktail is made by combining cassirivimab and imdevimab. Its price will be 59 thousand 750 rupees per dose.In a statement, the company said, 'Every 1200mg drug will have 600mg of cacirivimab and 600mg of imdevimab. The cost of each dose will be 59 thousand 750 rupees. The maximum price of the drug's multi dose pack will be 1 lakh 19 thousand 500 rupees. There will be medicine for two patients in each pack.Cipla will sell the drug in India and its second batch will be available in India by mid-June. The statement further stated that the drug would be available through major hospitals and Kovid treatment centers.