Amidst the Omicron wave all over the world, the death toll from the corona epidemic in America has crossed 9 lakhs. There have been the most deaths in the world due to the epidemic. Meanwhile, Britain's epidemiologists have feared big waves of corona.
The virus has now knocked in Tonga, one of the few countries in the Pacific Ocean region that has survived the bite of Corona for the last two years. On Friday, the death toll from this epidemic in America exceeded 9 lakh. It rose sharply due to Omicron-caused deaths. Apart from America, there have not been so many deaths in any other country. America is followed by Russia, Brazil and India. Due to the epidemic, a total of 18 lakh people lost their lives in these four countries.
The Omicron wave has weakened in the US now. The number of deaths has come down in the last seven days. The weekly average of deaths now stands at 2592 as compared to 2674.