COVID-19 Update / Delta variant most 'dangerous' strain, warns WHO

The World Health Organization (Who) has said that Corona's delta variant has spread to 100 countries around the world, and it is warned that it will become the fastest spreading variant. In this way it will be the infectious variants of the world's most Corona. According to a news agency, in his weekly Corona epidemic update, WHO said that according to the figures till 29 June 2021

The World Health Organization (Who) has said that Corona's delta variant has spread to 100 countries around the world, and it is warned that it will become the fastest spreading variant. In this way it will be the infectious variants of the world's most Corona. According to a news agency, in his weekly Corona epidemic update, WHO said that according to the figures till 29 June 2021, the matters of Delta variant have been found in 96 countries. Although it is less likely that this variants of Corona have knocked this variant in so many countries, because resources for genome sequentials in many countries are low. So need to identify delta variants and resources. But it is true that due to Delta Variants, there has been a boom in cases of Corona in many countries and the infected patients have to be admitted to the hospital.

Describing the rate of Corona infection, WHO has warned that in the coming months, Delta variants will leave behind other variants of Kovid-19.

The World Health Organization said that the measures which were being adopted so far to avoid the corona virus, they are effective. For example, masks, social distensing, repeatedly hand wash, catering etc. These measures are proving to be effective to avoid delta variants kept in the category of worrisome.

WHO said that the variants of the variant of the variant are increasing. Therefore, to avoid delta variants, the vaccination needs to be sharpened. In vaccination, those countries need to show acceleration, where Corona vaccination is running at sluggish speed

The Director General of World Health Organization, Tedros Adnom Ghabroyus had said last week that there is the fastest spreading variant in the population of the delta variant vaccine in Corona Variants found till now.

Tedros said to Adoman Ghubraius, 'I know that the Delta variant is very worrisome all over the world, and the WHO is very worried about it. Delta variants are the most contagious in all variants found so far. It is spreading rapidly between the population without vaccination. '

The Director General of the World Health Organization said that as some countries have publicly relaxed in health and social rules, the case of Corona has increased rapidly throughout the world.

According to the latest figures, alpha variants have been found in 172 countries, son variants 120, gamma 72, and delta variants in 96 countries. Meanwhile, the most corona case has come up in India several weeks later.

According to the latest figures, during June 21-27, the highest 521,298 new cases were revealed in Brazil. With 12 percent increase in India, 351,218 new corona cases in this period. With an increase of 134,465, five percent in Russia, 204,132 and 11 per cent in Argentina, 131,824 Corona's new case has been revealed in the last one week.