Vikrant Shekhawat : Jun 12, 2021, 06:37 AM
A group of public health experts has cautioned PM Narendra Modi to the threat of Corona's mutant strain in his report. According to the PTI report, health experts have said that on a large scale, the vaccine can be triggered and mutant strains from incomplete vaccination. Expert has suggested that there is no need to vaccinate the vaccine that such people who had been transmitted to Coronaire. This Expert team also includes a member of the National Task Force on AIIMS and Kovid-19.According to the Indian Public Health Association (IPHA), Indian Association of Privatories and Social Medicine (IAPSM) and experts of Indian Association of Epidemiologist (IAE), currently focusing on those people at the place of vaccination of all the people including children. Should be concentrated which is a huge risk of Corona virus infection or whose vaccination is incomplete.Given the current status of the epidemic in the country, according to the logistics and epidemiological data, instead of vaccination of people of all age groups at this level, instructions should be given to vaccine from priority, which is high risk of Corona virus infection. According to experts, the vaccination of young adults and children is not equally effective. Therefore unplanned vaccination can promote mutants strain.According to the report, the incomplete vaccination can increase the risk of corona virus. Given the pace of infection in different parts of the country, it can be said that the risk of natural infection can increase by getting vaccination of all the people together. There is no need to vaccinate those who had been Positive. According to the report, these people will be vaccinated only after getting the benefactor of the vaccine after the natural infection.Experts said, the vaccine against Coronaires is a strong and powerful weapon. Like it strong arms, it should not be stopped using it nor should be used to be used strategically to achieve maximum benefit in effective way of cost. According to the report, however, the vaccine is necessary to all adults, but the reality is that the vaccine among this epidemic in the country is also limitedly available. According to this circumstance, the deaths should be focused on reducing. Most of which include elderly people, people suffering from disease or obesity. Expert said that considering the current situation, the cost of young adults will not be cost effective.According to the report, at the end of the second wave, there should be a server service to know the risk of infection at the district level. This will help to create a strategy about vaccination. After the cases and infection of infection in people from the Sero Survey, the information of the immune period will also be found.Experts have been responsible for many types of variants for the current wave of Corona. Experts said that India has a genome sequence of less than 1 percent of its positive sample. In 1,000 cases per India, the rate of genome seeming is far behind others. According to the expert, 5 percent positive sample genome is challenging to serve, but should be tried to reach at least 3 percent. He appreciated the establishment of Indian SARS COVID-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG) while adding 17 more laboratoriesExperts believe that there is a need to accelerate the investigation of the Molicular Epidemiology. Experts said, there is a need to track JainTic Sequencing to detect the transmission of the virus for both community and health care. It can detect those genome sequentials which have been exempt from traditional methods.Expert believe that the sensitivity of RAT (RAT) is quite low. Because of this, there is a possibility that some cases of Corona do not know, this will remain intimidating the risk of spreading. He said that, the test is not possible at the time of every Septomatic patient and it will come a lot of burden on the health system. This can delay treatment. In such a situation, it will be better to identify the suspects only on the basis of clinical and epidemic.Experts said that with the method of EPI cluster sampling, District Level Searren Survival can be planned. If the seroprivalance at the district level is more than 70 percent (due to the combination of natural infection and vaccination), then there should be no lockdown and attempt to return to normal condition. This will help prioritize the districts for vaccination i.e. the priority for vaccination should be given to the distractions of low circular. There is a need to maintain a good balance between life and livelihood. According to Experts, to monitor adverse events after vaccination (AEFI), very large number of people are vaccinated at a fast pace with limited resources, so some adverse events and deaths may decrease. This can hesitate and more about vaccination.