Viral News / Footballer Ronaldo's 'two words' worsened the condition of Coca Cola, got a shock of 30 thousand crores!

So far you might have seen that the price of bitcoin increased by any one tweet of Alan Mask or the shares of a company increased. Similarly, some soft drinks have happened with Coca-Cola and this footballer was due to the message of two words given in the press conference by Star Cristiano Ronaldo.

So far you might have seen that the price of bitcoin increased by any one tweet of Alan Mask or the shares of a company increased. Similarly, some soft drinks have happened with Coca-Cola and this footballer was due to the message of two words given in the press conference by Star Cristiano Ronaldo.

Ronaldo did something in his press conference that the share of Coca Cola Company fell to about 30 thousand crores and the company had a very big setback.

What happened?

Soccer season is currently running and Euro Cup is being played. Meanwhile, the captain of the Portugal team addressed a press conference, as every match is done before and after.

When Ronaldo came to the table with a press conference and there was two Coca Cola bottles and a water bottle near Mike. Ronaldo removed the bottle of both Coca Cola and lifted the bottle of water and said that 'Drink Water'.

It was the effect of this entire sentence of 25 seconds that the share of Coca Cola started falling down and fell to $ 4 billion.

According to the information, the market of Coca Cola was $ 56.10 in Europe at 3 o'clock in Europe. After half an hour, Ronaldo's press conference has happened. And after some time, Coca Cola started falling and it reached $ 55.22. Since then, the stock of Coca Cola continues.

What a reaction was given from Coca Cola?

Let us tell you that Coca Cola is an official sponsor of the Euro Cup, such as Sponsor is included in his drink official programs. After this dispute, Coca Cola described that all kinds of drinks are given during the press conference or match, now it depends on what they like to take, it is everyone's choice.

Well, everyone knows that Ronaldo's counting is among the best footballers in the world. Social media or football fans are everywhere, in such a way, a slight message given by Ronaldo was very expensive for Coca Cola. Ronaldo has always received messages about fitness.