Haryana board / Haryana Board 10th result released, all students pass, check through direct link

Haryana School Education Haryana (Board of School Education Haryana) has issued a 10th result. The results of the 10th are released on the official website BSeh.org.in. Students of class 10 can see their results on the official website. Result has been released in online mode. Let us know that due to the growing cases of Corona, the Haryana government has canceled the 10th board examination

New Delhi. Haryana School Education Haryana (Board of School Education Haryana) has issued a 10th result. The results of the 10th are released on the official website BSeh.org.in. Students of class 10 can see their results on the official website. Result has been released in online mode. Let us know that due to the growing cases of Corona, the Haryana government has canceled the 10th board examination, which the results have been declared today.

Check out this direct link

There was no examination due to the second wave of Kovid. The 313345 examiner had to give 10th regular examination. 11278 examiners had to take a test of compatibility. Due to the exam, all the children were passed. After all the children passed, the resist has been 100 percent.

Numbers were given on the basis of internal evaluation and practical numbers. The compartment test takers gave the number on the basis of other passed points. If a child is not satisfied then he can participate in the upcoming exam. Board Chairman Dr. Jagbir and Secretary Rajiv Prasad gave the information.

Last four years resolution

In 2018, 51.15 sliced ​​children have passed

57.39 in 2019

64.59 in 2020

100 in 2021

Students have been passed on this basis

For 10th board examination, 1,74,956 students and 1,43,417 students had registered. According to various media reports, 10th students have been passed on the basis of internal assessment and practical numbers. The board has been declared a 10th result with a hundred percent pass percentage. Any student has not been failed.

Check out the 10th result

- Students should first go to BSeh.org.in website of Haryana Board.

- Click by linking the 10th Result 2021 on the Home page.

- After clicking here the new page will open.

- Submit your roll number here.

- Now the result will be opened on the screen.

- Download it.