There is no very easy process to be pregnant for any woman. In this many things occur together. Obviously, no woman can be pregnant without sperm or sperm. Although the new study has shown that in addition to a direct role in pregnancy, the sperm works very important. These studies have researchers of Australia's Adelaide University.
These studies have been printed in Nature Research Journal Communications Biology. According to the study, the sperm only celebrates the woman for pregnancy. Sprim women gives a sign to breeding tissues so that the likelihood of pregnancy increases.The main author of Study Professor Sarah Roberton said, "This is the first study that says that women's immune response work on the signal from the sperm and allows the egg to fertilize, so that there is pregnancy.Professor Roberton said, "This study about the sperm is reversed to our current understanding as far as we had understood its potential. There is not just genetic meterial but it also works to explain the body of the woman that she invests her fertility.Protein found in the sperm controls the immune response (immune) of the woman so that her body can accept the external embryo. Although the sperm affects this reaction or not, it has not been clear till now.The team of researchers used on the Uttras of rats to understand the Global Jean. For this, he completely matched and some sterilization sperm in the Utre. It was found that due to fully fine sperm, more changes in women genes, especially in the case of immune response.According to the study, women get strong immune tolerance from the sperm of men without sterilization. Researchers found that the effects of the sperm in women's cells have a direct impact.The results of the new study show that the health of the sperm also has an impact on pregnancy. This is not only for pregnancy but also for the child's health. Eating habits like age, diet, weight, alcohol and smoking have an impact on sperm quality and due to this the pregnancy health can also be affected.Professor Roberton said, "It is believed that the sperm only fertilizes the Egg but besides pregnancy, the impact of sperm quality also falls on the health of women and children during pregnancy.Professor Roberton said, "Conditions like MissCerase, Preclampsia and time before time, are due to women's immune response and partner's sperm is also responsible."
These studies have been printed in Nature Research Journal Communications Biology. According to the study, the sperm only celebrates the woman for pregnancy. Sprim women gives a sign to breeding tissues so that the likelihood of pregnancy increases.The main author of Study Professor Sarah Roberton said, "This is the first study that says that women's immune response work on the signal from the sperm and allows the egg to fertilize, so that there is pregnancy.Professor Roberton said, "This study about the sperm is reversed to our current understanding as far as we had understood its potential. There is not just genetic meterial but it also works to explain the body of the woman that she invests her fertility.Protein found in the sperm controls the immune response (immune) of the woman so that her body can accept the external embryo. Although the sperm affects this reaction or not, it has not been clear till now.The team of researchers used on the Uttras of rats to understand the Global Jean. For this, he completely matched and some sterilization sperm in the Utre. It was found that due to fully fine sperm, more changes in women genes, especially in the case of immune response.According to the study, women get strong immune tolerance from the sperm of men without sterilization. Researchers found that the effects of the sperm in women's cells have a direct impact.The results of the new study show that the health of the sperm also has an impact on pregnancy. This is not only for pregnancy but also for the child's health. Eating habits like age, diet, weight, alcohol and smoking have an impact on sperm quality and due to this the pregnancy health can also be affected.Professor Roberton said, "It is believed that the sperm only fertilizes the Egg but besides pregnancy, the impact of sperm quality also falls on the health of women and children during pregnancy.Professor Roberton said, "Conditions like MissCerase, Preclampsia and time before time, are due to women's immune response and partner's sperm is also responsible."