US Presidential Election / I am different from Biden, why did presidential candidate Kamala Harris have to say this?

There is a tough competition between Kamala Harris of the Democratic Party and Donald Trump of the Republican Party in the presidential election on November 5 in the US. After Trump questioned Biden's tenure, Harris presented a different image from Biden by calling herself a "representative of the new generation".

US Presidential Election: Preparations for the presidential election in the US are progressing rapidly and the competition between Democratic Party candidate Kamala Harris and former Republican Party President Donald Trump in the election to be held on November 5 seems to be very tough. During the recent first presidential debate, there was a sharp altercation between the two candidates, but Kamala Harris has now decided to present herself in a new direction.

The challenge of staying in the debate with Trump

Donald Trump is constantly attacking Joe Biden's tenure and alleges that the Biden administration has weakened America. Instead of responding to this attack of Trump, Kamala Harris has adopted a new strategy. She said in a statement on Friday that she is different from Joe Biden because she 'represents the new generation'. This statement clearly shows Kamala Harris's political separation from Biden and reflects her attempt to create a new image in the electoral arena.

Direction of leadership of the new generation

Kamala Harris explained the logic behind this strategy in an interview with the news channel 'WPVI-TV' in Philadelphia. When anchor Brian Taff asked her in which areas she considers herself different from Biden, Harris replied, "Look, I am not Joe Biden and I represent the 'new generation'." With this statement, Harris indicated that her priorities and outlook are more modern and progressive than Biden.

Announcement of new policies and plans

Kamala Harris has also announced some new plans to present her different image. She has proposed to increase the 'Child Tax Credit' to US $ 6,000 for families during the first year of the child. She says that the first year is extremely important for the development of the child, and hence her plan is based on new thinking and new policies.

Vision for the 21st century

Harris said, "Honestly, my focus is on what we need to do in the next 10, 20 years to keep up with the 21st century, including further enhancing our capabilities as well as meeting the challenges." This statement clarifies Harris's modern and future-oriented vision, which makes her a different and attractive candidate against Trump and Biden.


Kamala Harris's new strategy and vision have brought a new twist to the presidential election race. Her efforts are important steps towards differentiating herself from the Biden administration as well as presenting a new generation candidacy. Under this new strategy, Harris is not only strengthening her position in the electoral contest, but is also creating a new hope and a sense of change among American voters. It will be interesting to see whether this effort of hers will make her win the presidential election.